/Film: VOTD: John McClane Is Upset About Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Breaking Up

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VOTD: John McClane Is Upset About Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Breaking Up
Aug 31st 2012, 21:30

Bruce Willis has a lot on his mind. Not only does he appear in The Expendables 2, he has Rian Johnson’s Looper coming out in a few weeks, G.I. Joe Retaliation out next year and recently finished shooting on A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth film in the Die Hard franchise. Talk show host David Letterman recently asked the star about his latest turn as police officer turned action hero John McClane and Willis surprised Letterman by saying he’d brought an exclusive clip. He was lying.

Instead, Willis showed a video of himself as McClane very distraught over the recent break up of Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. It’s pretty funny. Check it out below.

Thanks to the Late Show With David Letterman (via The Hollywood Reporter) for the video:

With A Good Day to Die Hard in theaters this February, and filming now complete, I’d imagine we’ll get a trailer in the next month or two. I sincerely doubt it’ll be better than the above video.

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