/Film: Superhero Bits: Captain America: The Winter Solider, Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 3, Kick-Ass 2, Dark Knight Returns

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Superhero Bits: Captain America: The Winter Solider, Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 3, Kick-Ass 2, Dark Knight Returns
Sep 12th 2012, 20:00

Want to watch some set video from Thor: The Dark World? Is Chris Evans excited for Captain America: The Winter Soldier? What sunny beaches will Iron Man 3 soon be shooting on? How did The Avengers help one girl eat her lunch? What does Mother Russia look like in Kick-Ass 2? Is Hayley Atwell upset about her Avengers scene being cut? Read about all this and more in today’s Superhero Bits.

Splash News (via Superhero Hype) has this cool set footage from Thor: The Dark World.

The Huffington Post has a hilarious interview with Chris Evans that, eventually, gets around to talking about Captain America: The Winter Soldier. There’s more Winter Soldier (with video) on Page 2:

Well, I wasn’t happy in the first “Cap’” because — well, not that I wasn’t happy. I was just nervous, you know what I mean? I had taken a role that I was just nervous about. And it was a lifestyle change, and there were a lot of factors on the first “Cap’.” I was just nervous, man…. so now, it’s kind of like, “All right, well, let’s go try and make this one even better.” I feel comfortable in the role. I love Marvel and I’m actually, dare I say … excited.

Stan Lee is the latest to throw his hat into the argument about the power of “F**k You.”

Comic Book Movie breaks down some Fact and Fiction about the Justice League movie.

This father on Reddit (via Io9) drew superhero themed doodles to help his daughter eat her lunch. They’re fantastic. May I say: Best. Dad. Ever.

Screenrant has complied all of the superheroes that will appear in the CW show Arrow.

Olga Kurkulina is playing Mother Russia in Kick-Ass 2 and here you see her new costume, via Comic Book Movie.

Iron Man 3 is coming to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Read the full press release at On Location Vacations.

Yup, another clip from The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 thanks to Superhero Hype.

Which actresses could play Captain Marvel in The Avengers 2, if she’s in it? Comic Book Movie has some ideas.

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