Celebrity Baby Scoop: Jessica Simpson: “It’s Not Fun To Be Judged”

Celebrity Baby Scoop
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Jessica Simpson: "It's Not Fun To Be Judged"
Sep 11th 2012, 17:05

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson hold hands while leaving a restaurant in NYC, where she is unveiling her post-baby body

Hitting the promotional circuit to tout her Weight Watchers deal, new mama Jessica Simpson, 32, has been facing the TV cameras for the first time since giving birth to daughter Maxwell and admits dropping the post-baby pounds has proven difficult.

“The easiest way to get motivated is to strip naked and look in the mirror,” Jess shares with Access Hollywood on Monday night, after making her post-baby TV debut on Katie Couric‘s new show Katie.

Jessica – who revealed that she’s dropped approximately 40 pounds thus far – admits that “It’s not fun to be talked about. It’s not fun to be judged.”

Her very first weigh-in with Weight Watchers was a trying and emotional experience for the star.

“The very first time I got on the scale in my Weight Watchers meeting, my heart was pounding because I had no idea how much I weighed,” she recalls. “I was always the girl who stood on the scale backwards because I didn’t want to face it.”

During her appearance on Katie, Jessica shared an adorable photo of her precious baby girl donning a yellow bikini.

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