/Film: Superhero Bits: Kick-Ass 2, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, The Wolverine, The Avengers

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Superhero Bits: Kick-Ass 2, Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, The Wolverine, The Avengers
Sep 11th 2012, 19:02

How will Kick-Ass 2 be different from the comics according to Aaron Johnson? Will Gwyneth Paltrow be back for The Avengers 2? Does Joseph Gordon-Levitt sound interested in Justice League? Has Amy Adams changed Lois Lane in Man of Steel? Want to see some new photos of Hugh Jackman filming The Wolverine? Read all of this and more in today’s Superhero Bits.

Would Joseph Gordon-Levitt do Justice League? He talks to MTV about it.

Comic Book Movie posted this Iron Man 3 merch that shows a new look at the Mark XLVII armor.

Boy Roland did this beautiful Dark Knight piece. Head to his page for more.

Talking to E! News (via CBM), Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t seem like she’d return for The Avengers 2:

I just came off of Iron Man 3, which is as special effects-y and action-y as it gets, so to do something like [Thanks For Sharing] where it’s really small, funny and exciting, is really great. I don’t know [about returning for The Avengers sequel], I’m getting old for this shit, you know what I mean?

9Gag blends a music legend with a comic book one.

Gamma Squad reports Daredevil will soon die in the Marvel Comics universe.

Karl Urban talks to IGN about what could possibly happen in a Dredd 3D sequel.

Speaking with Collider, Amy Adams discussed her interpretation of Lois Lane in Man of Steel:

She is definitely a pistol still and she definitely gets herself in a lot of trouble still.  But she is not as competitive, I would say, with Clark.

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