Celebrity Baby Scoop: Giveaway: FlexJobs & Pediped

Celebrity Baby Scoop
News, Photos and Style Trends of Celebrity Babies
Giveaway: FlexJobs & Pediped
Sep 10th 2012, 17:40


Win a one year subscription to the job service site FlexJobs!

Find professional work from home jobs on FlexJobs. Plus, check out part-time and other flexible jobs from entry level through executive. With 50+ career fields to choose from, FlexJobs hand screens each position to guarantee it is a legitimate job that offers flexibility and is hiring now — perfect for moms, dads, and anyone else who would like a work/life balance job! FlexJobs is great for:

  • Anyone looking for a part-time, flextime, and freelance jobs that are in-line with their career.
  • People looking to telecommute some, or all, of the time.
  • Professionals looking for flexible, flextime, or non-traditional schedules.
  • Parents wanting to be more flexible for their kids and families.

In addition to a one year subscription to FlexJobs, we are also giving away a $50 Gift Certificate to pediped to 1 lucky reader!

Celebrity fans of pediped include Halle BerryJessica AlbaSarah Michelle GellarTori SpellingPinkJennifer Garner, Molly Ringwald, and Isla Fisher just to name a few. Sign up to become a pediped Insider to be the first to know on news of special promotions, new product introductions and more.

One Easy Way to Enter:

Leave a comment here with a valid email address (will not be published). Please state your favorite feature of FlexJobs in the comments below. One winner will be chosen at random at the end of the contest. One entry per person, per day.

This contest ends Friday, September 14th at 7:00 pm EST. This contest is open to Canada & US residents only! Good luck!
*contest rules*

Congratulations to the winner of our Carousel Designs giveaway: Bunny!

Congratulations to the winner of our Mountain Buggy giveaway: Caitlin!

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