Entertainment Weekly: "I feel like Joel [McHale] would come out swinging and start winning right away, but he’d tire..."

Entertainment Weekly
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"I feel like Joel [McHale] would come out swinging and start winning right away, but he'd tire..."
Aug 23rd 2012, 00:00

"I feel like Joel [McHale] would come out swinging and start winning right away, but he'd tire himself out chasing Gillian [Jacobs] and Donald [Glover] around the ring. Once Joel got to his exhaustion point, things would get bloody and ugly for a while, with Danny [Pudi] doing a lot of horrible things that nobody knew he could do — I just have that sense that Danny would suddenly bust out a crazy eyeball eating maneuver he learned in some class – but in the end, Yvette [Nicole Brown] would reveal that she had lined the whole room with explosives and she would emerge victorious. From the room. But Chevy [Chase] would be behind the door with a bat and take her out. Then he'd collapse because that's a lot of bat swinging for a legend his age. So I guess Alison [Brie] would win because nobody would have felt good about punching her."

- Community creator Dan Harmon on who would win in a fight, from his reddit AMA.

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