/Film: WTF: ‘Star Wars: Detours’ Trailer, The Animated 21st Century ‘Star Wars Christmas Special’

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WTF: 'Star Wars: Detours' Trailer, The Animated 21st Century 'Star Wars Christmas Special'
Aug 24th 2012, 21:20

Take everything you know about Star Wars, ball it up and throw it in the trash. Darth Vader was never mean; he was a rapper. Obi-Wan Kenobi was never stoic; he did stand-up comedy. Han Solo was never a scoundrel; he was a dancer. The Emperor was never evil; he was a chick magnet. Confused? You will be. You. Will. Be.

Star Wars: Detours is an upcoming animated comedy featuring all your favorite Star Wars characters in situations so totally out of character and tone for the series, it makes the Prequels look good. A trailer has just come online featuring bad references, kiddie humor and the kind of bastardizing, canon-crushing images that’ll make you bow down to the Prequels for their wit, logic and flawless, Star Wars storytelling. It’s this generation’s Star Wars Christmas Special. If you dare, watch it after the jump.

I usually thank the source site at this point in the article, but I’d much rather scream some explativees at Gizmodo for pointing this out. I assume you’ll do the same to me in the comments below. Here’s the trailer for Star Wars: Detours.

The Star Wars Detours Facebook page doesn’t have any information on when Detours will be out, or in what form, but it does have the following official description:

Star Wars Detours is an animated comedy that explores what daily life is like in a galaxy far, far away. There are no Empires striking back or attacking clones here. Instead, Star Wars Detours focuses on the universe's regular folks and their everyday problems… which, to be fair, do frequently involve famous bounty hunters, crazed Ewoks, and even a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Welcome to Star Wars: Detours: the other side of the stars, between the wars.

It seems to me that “regular folks” and “everyday problems” are few and far between in that trailer. Instead I saw a lot of the characters I grew up loving dancing, stealing and jumping around Dax’s diner, apparently the only eating establishment in the Universe, that’s what I saw. I saw a “regular” woman name the Death Star, that’s what I saw. I saw a “regular” guy getting bitched out by Princess Leia (with big hair, get it?), that’s what I saw.

Clearly the show is aimed at young children who like Star Wars for the bright colors and weird characters but is selling a few more toys really worth not only the integrity of your franchise, but the loyalty and trust that’s already shattered amongst your older fan base? I think we know the answer.

What the show is actually doing is taking the main driving force of Star Wars – the rise, and eventual fall, of a corrupt power hell bent on ruling the galaxy – and making a mockery of it. No one here looks oppressed or down on their luck. There’s nothing to rebel from. Everything is great. Everyone gets along. They’re dancing, they’re having fun, the Emperor and Darth Vader are nice guys! Approachable, sweet and relatable to an 8-year-old.

For example, here are three more clips from the show.

I could literally never stop writing about that four minute clip above but I’d love to hear what you have to say about Star Wars: Detours.

Note: We’re fully aware that’s two WTF Star Wars posts in one day. Thank the weirdness happening at Star Wars Celebration VI.

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