Celebrity Baby Scoop: Blythe Danner on Gwyneth, Chris & The Kids

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Blythe Danner on Gwyneth, Chris & The Kids
Sep 8th 2012, 06:38


With both Emmy and Tony awards to her name, actress Blythe Danner has played many memorable parts over the years. Even so, it sounds as though her favorite role to date just might be that of doting grandmother.

The Meet the Fockers star tells HollywoodLife.com that she loves the time she spends with her daughter Gwyneth Paltrow‘s kids Apple and Moses: "I don't feel like a grandmother with them,” she admits. “I get on my hands and knees and act like a complete fool! We have a lot of fun together."

Back on the big screen in the new comedy Hello I Must Be Going, Blythe plays a mom whose grown daughter moves back home after a divorce. Asked what she’d do if her Oscar-winning daughter found herself in the same situation, she replies, "I don't think Gwyneth would ever move back in, but of course if she wanted to."

Of course, her son-in-law Chris Martin – and his Coldplay bandmates – would also be more than welcome.

"I would love them next door, banging away on the drums, and Chris writing new songs."

Blythe, whose husband Bruce Paltrow passed away in 2002, reveals that she’s one of Chris’ biggest fans.

"’Fix You,’ was written for my husband, actually, 'Tears streaming down your face, you've lost something you can't replace, I will try to fix you.' Chris missed meeting Bruce by six days. A friend of Gwenyth's just made her go to a Coldplay concert, to cheer her up. She didn't want to go but she did and she met Chris,” she says. “And then he wrote that song. And it just kills me every time. It's such a beautiful, beautiful song.”

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