/Film: ‘Star Trek’ Sequel’s Official Title Might Be…

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'Star Trek' Sequel's Official Title Might Be…
Sep 8th 2012, 16:13

That awkward period when you know a film will have a sequel but you don’t know it’s name. It happens with the best of them. How long was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull called Indiana Jones 4? Remember when The Dark Knight Rises was referred to as The Dark Knight 2? The list goes on and on. One film that’s recently finished shooting and still going with the numeric title is Star Trek 2, J.J. Abrams’ sequel to the hit 2009 film, scheduled for release May 17, 2013. However, for a few months now multiple sources, including the writers, confirmed an actual title would be selected and word was a decision had finally been made this week.

While Paramount has yet to officially reveal this title, it now seems likely Star Trek 2 will officially be called Star Trek Into Darkness. Read more after the jump.

TrekMovie first posted that a title had been selected and then ComingSoon uncovered that Paramount had registered the domains www.startrekintodarkness.com and www.startrekintodarknessmovie.com. TrekMovie then independently confirmed that’s the title.

An official announcement and title treatment is imminent. All that’s left now is the speculation, and likely criticism, to begin. What could Star Trek Into Darkness mean? Do you like the title? Should it have a colon?

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