Celebrity Baby Scoop: Kate Beckinsale & Family: LAX Arrival

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Kate Beckinsale & Family: LAX Arrival
Sep 7th 2012, 01:08

Kate Beckinsale Arrives In Los Angeles

Kate Beckinsale, Len Wiseman and Lily were seen arriving at LAX in Los Angeles, Calif. on Saturday (September 1). They had a lot of luggage with them!

Lily, 13, held onto her mom’s hand outside and gave a nice smile.

The actress has said Lily isn’t too overly impressed with her fame.

She said, "You would think that [she'd think it's cool] but I haven't noticed it. Although I'm still allowed to hold her hand sometimes. Mostly she just goes: 'Oh that was great, well done,' and then she goes back on Tumblr, or whatever it is that they do, and talks to her mates. She very much sees me as her mum and the other stuff is secondary."



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