Celebrity Baby Scoop: Happy 9th Birthday Ella Wahlberg!

Celebrity Baby Scoop
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Happy 9th Birthday Ella Wahlberg!
Sep 2nd 2012, 14:38

Exclusive - Mark Wahlberg Takes Daughter To Church

Name: Ella Rae Wahlberg

Date of Birth: September 2, 2003

Parents: Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham

Siblings: Michael, 6, Brendan, nearly 4, & Grace 2


♥ Ella was flower girl at her parent’s 2009 wedding


“I get him [Justin Beiber] on the phone and I was like, 'Hold on, I got to get her on the three way. He was supposed to call on the first day but he was busy, he didn't call, she was so upset, she was devastated crying." – Mark on Ella’s ‘Beiber fever.’

"She gave a boy in her class my cell phone number, he calls me and says, 'Hey, Mr. Wahlberg, I'm taking your daughter to the movies.' I'm like what? Seven years old! I say at least seven more years!" – Mark on his eldest daughter.

“I want to give my kids the world, but I also want them to appreciate everything, to succeed, to be good people, to enjoy life This is my most important role. If I fail at this, I fail at everything." – Mark on fatherhood.

“My daughter’s starting to hear rumblings of what I did in the past… she doesn’t like it. I got to do my thing for a long time and then I was fortunate enough to meet the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and we have four beautiful children.” – Mark on his eldest daughter’s dislike of his questionable past.

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