/Film: Superhero Bits: Iron Man 3, Dredd 3D, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman Live, The Wolverine

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Superhero Bits: Iron Man 3, Dredd 3D, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman Live, The Wolverine
Sep 4th 2012, 18:30

Want to read a MAJOR SPOILER about the suits in Iron Man 3? Which Lost star will be voicing The Joker in The Dark Knight Returns Part Two? Has the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Avengers Assemble box set finally been cancelled? When does Batman Live finally hit US shores? Where can you see hundreds of cosplay photos from DragonCon? How can you find out what happened before the start of Dredd 3D? Why is Batman playing the drums along with the score to The Dark Knight Rises? Read about all this and more in today’s Superhero Bits.

The Sports Hero edited this video tribute to The Dark Knight Trilogy featuring, yes, R. Kelly’s Gotham City.

Hayley Atwell did everything but confirm her involvement in Captain America: The Winter Solider to Bleeding Cool.

Lost star Michael Emerson will be voicing The Joker in The Dark Knight Returns Part Two, out in 2013. Head to TV Guide for more. Sorry for the tiny image.

Looks like what we reported two weeks ago has now come true. The Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Avengers Assemble box set has been indefinitely delayed due to a lawsuit. Read more at The Playlist.

Reddit user mookdaruch posted this Dark Knight Trilogy poster, dubbing it The Reddit Edition.

Bleeding Cool reports on the Avengers Burlesque show in NYC, which is really just all superheros dancing mostly naked. That link is NSFW.

It’s finally here. Batman Live makes its US debut Wednesday night. Head to Comics Alliance for the full schedule and watch a preview, above.

In honor of Labor Day, MTV put together a list of the hardest working men in comic book movies.

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